Browser Environment
Interface Description: This interface is used to start the specified environment. After the startup is successful, you can obtain the browser debug interface to execute selenium and puppeteer automation scripts.
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Require | Default Value | Explanation |
Session_ID | array | Yes | 373808cb37bd63f5f7d92415e736e85f,705cc4c139e69b729a2fd277f30e1863 | Environment ID |
isHeadless | boolean | No | true | true:Default browser headless mode false:The browser has header mode |
args | array | No | "args": ["--disable-extensions", "--blink-settings=imagesEnabled=false"] | Start Parameter |
Example Single Environment Request
"Session_ID": [
"args": [
Examples of Multiple environment Requests
"Session_ID": [
"args": [
--disable-extensions Disable Plug-in
--blink-settings=imagesEnabled=false Do Not Load Images
--interval-seconds Time between browser launches (seconds)
Execution Success Return
"message": "Success",
"code": 0,
"data": {
"listid": [{
"Session_Name": "Business Environment I",
"Session_ID": "373808cb37bd63f5f7d92415e736e85f",
"Group_Name": "default",
"Actived_script_id": "O73808cb37bd63f5f7d92415e736e999",
"Actiived_script_name": "Here's an example of a script",
"Actiived_script_encode": "true",
"Weblogin_Account_Count": "4",
"Weblogin_Account_name": ",,,",
"Plugins_Count": "4",
"Plugin_Id": "jjbnhpnlakcdgfnnldamfeinfmahhdlm,jjbnhpnlakcdgfnnldamfeinfmahhdlm,jjbnhpnlakcdgfnnldamfeinfmahhdlm,jjbnhpnlakcdgfnnldamfeinfmahhdlm",
"template_id": "123456",
"template_name": "Douyin International Edition",
"browser_Path": "D:\\mbbrowser\\Chromium_x64\\chromium.exe",
"browser_CDP_Port": 46973,
"MBData_Path": "C:\\MBDATA\xxxxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxxxxx",
"Public_ip": "",
"Internel_ip": "",
"isDynamicIp": false,
"StartPage": "about:blank",
"proxyType": "socks5",
"proxy_ip": "",
"proxy_port": "1080",
"isHeadless": "true",
"webdriver": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\houniao\\Driver\\100\\chromedriver.exe", //Return the corresponding kernel webdriver driver path according to the kernel of the currently open environment
"status": 0
"total": 1